Happy Halloween Ya'll. We had a wonderful Halloween this year. Both boys really enjoyed going trick-or-treating and getting a lot of candy.

Dad and Hayden carving pumpkins.

Our pumpkins. The original Jack-O-Lantern, our last name initial "W", and Thomas the Train.

Darth Vader and his sidekick, Wild Monkey

My niece and nephew joined us. Hayden is Darth Vader, Conor is a Monkey, Jack is a scary Jack-O-Lantern, and Reagan is a Blue Fairy.

Trever and I attended our friend's Halloween Party. This year's theme was "Wigging Out!"

The Men - Trever is Buddy The Elf.

The Lovely Ladies - I was Santa's Helper

Trever and I had a great time at the party. Everyone loved our costumes.