Saturday was a great day to go to the Kentucky Horse Park for Family Fun Day. My sister and brother-in-law were camping there so Hayden was excited to spend some time with his cousins, Jack and Reagan.

Coloring their horse heads for their stick horses.

Showing mom how he can ride his horse.

Hayden did such a good job coloring his stick horse that he won a real Blue Ribbon. They were giving away actual ribbons that you win for racing and horse jumping.

Standing next to Thunder. One of the many Clydesdales at the Kentucky Horse Park

Resting place of Thoroughbred Race Horse, Alysheba.

Favorite part of the day - riding the train!

Ready to go!!

Feeding the Goats at Jacobson Park for Free Friday Flicks

Getting our face painted.

Showing mom his cool UK (University of Kentucky) painted on his face.

Enjoying some outdoor play in his new summer pool.
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