We have and are surviving the ice storm here in Kentucky. We are actually luckier than most here in the state. The bad weather started Monday night. Wednesday morning we lost electricity. Luckily, my sister still had power so we loaded up the family and spent the evening with them. Today I came back to the house to get more clothes and other supplies when the electric came back on. Knock on wood, it is still on.
I wanted to share with you some beautiful photos of ice and snow.

View of our front yard. Nothing but ice.
You can barely see the ice on the trees. We have so many limbs down.
Even our poor University of Kentucky flag was frozen stiff.

Anyone up for ice skating?

After the ice comes the snow. We received about 4 inches of snow on top of about 4 inches ice.

Mommy and Hayden

View from our backyard. Wednesday morning there were two huge deer walking around. It was so beautiful.

Daddy and Hayden enjoying the snow.

I hope our poor tree survives.

After Daddy rolled around with him in the snow.

Knocking down the snowman Daddy was trying to build.

Enjoying the snow day with his cousins, Jack and Reagan.

Rea looking ever so adorable in her bunny hat.

Cousin Jack

Getting ready to throw a snowball at Mommy.

A true Popsicle.

Making a snow angel for Mommy.

The Three Musketeers