This weekend kicked off the Alameda County Fair here in Pleasanton. We live about a half of a mile from the fairgrounds. Friday night we watched the fireworks from our front yard. Saturday we went downtown to watch the parade and then last night we walked over to the fair. It was so huge. It was a lot larger than the fair we have back home. I was amazed. There was so much for little kids to do. It helps that our child is tall because he isn't even two and measures right at or just a little below 36 inches. He had a blast riding the rides by himself. He was such a big boy. We did lose his baseball cap. I told Trever not to worry about it because it is actually getting too small for his big head.

Saturday's temps were above 100 but we were able to find a shady spot for the parade. Even in the shade we were sweating like crazy. Luckily it is a "dry heat." I'm sorry, HOT is HOT!
Although it was hot we had little fans that someone was passing out and ice cold water.

The police were doing a show. It was really neat to see how they can do such a tight routine on their bikes.

Rod Woodson was the Co-Grand Marshall. He and his family live in Pleasanton. He is the real "Show Me the Money." His daughter was standing next to us at the parade. She was too cute. Trever asked if they had good seats for the football games and she was like, "Oh yes. We sit in the box." We both started to laugh.

Hayden really like Curious George.

Hayden also liked the cow train. He would say Choo Choo and then Moo Moo.

We were amazed at the large balloons they had for this parade. We were also amazed that they could get them down main street without popping them on the trees and getting them under the Pleasanton sign.

We were yelling, "Bend your head Jockey."
They were able to get him under the sign without injuring the horse.
Teri Clark was the singer at the fair last night. She did a fabulous job. It was so nice to hear Country Music live.

Hayden had a blast listening to the music. He was singing and dancing.

What a big boy! Riding the Choo Choo all by himself.

He had a blast riding the cars. He was driving like crazy!