Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bucket List

This past week Trever and I watched The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It got me thinking of what I would put on my own bucket list.

Here are just a few things that I would like to do before I "kick the bucket:"

1. Drive cross-country in an RV with my family
2. Visit the Northeast in the fall to see the beautiful colors of the trees
3. Learn French
4. Visit Europe – France, Italy, England, Ireland
5. Take a cruise to Alaska
6. Volunteer work
7. Do a marathon
8. Take an art class – paint or pottery

What would you put on your bucket list? Today take a moment to just jot down what you have always wanted to do but never thought you would or could. Then start living. Start taking steps toward the items on your bucket list. Life is too short to sit on the sidelines.


Anonymous said...

Let me know when you are ready for the cruise to Alaska and the trip to the Northeast-- I have always wanted to do both!!!

Melissa said...

oh I am soooo on board with the RVing too. My husband and I really want to get one when we have more kids and more money :)

KYnurse said...

I loved that movie as well. I so want to do so much of that. I figure the marathon will be for my 40th birthday. That gives me a little over 4 years to prepare. The rest will come in time.