Friday, September 26, 2008

4 More Days!

Well, just four more days until our big move back to Kentucky. I am really looking forward to it. I think I have gotten a lot of stuff packed, but then I look around and I get so overwhelmed. My kitchen is officially closed! Trever and I packed the plates and pots/pans about two nights ago. I am finishing up the small stuff today. Tomorrow will be a huge day of packing. Then Sunday we have a potluck party to go to with Trever's work. Monday the movers come and Tuesday we fly home. Hard to believe just four more days.

Last night I had a last mom's night out with the girls in my play group. We had appetizers and drinks over at one of the mom's house. It was such a beautiful night that we just talked and talked until we realized it was after 10:30 p.m. I will miss them all very dearly. Such sweet, beautiful and intelligent women. I am proud to call them my friends.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare for our move and for a safe trip home. Thank you.

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