Sunday, September 14, 2008

Look at my new Rainboots!

The other day I bought my niece, Reagan, a pair of leopard print rainboots with pink trim off of a mother in our mom's group. Well Hayden loved them. So Friday we set out to find him some "boy" rainboots. It hasn't rained in Pleasanton since February so rainboots are not just lining the shelves at Target or Wal-Mart. I was able to find him a pair of black rainboots at Wal-Mart. He had to put them on immediately and wear them the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Amy said...

My D-Man got a pair of camo rain boots last summer and wore them all the time. We live in a small town and he would even want to wear them with his shorts out to eat. His favorite restaurant is the local mexican one and when he would eat rice, it would sometimes fall down into his boots and he would take them off and dump the rice out. It was priceless!