Friday, February 29, 2008
Tonight Hayden and I went to the grocery store to grab something quick for dinner. The store has the type of carts that have the smaller sides so that the cashier can pull it up over the counter. Hayden fights me constantly on trying to strap him into the cart so I have started to put him in the back with the food. Well I turned my back for one minute, and as we all know it only takes a minute, and he flipped backwards out of the cart. He fell first on his bottom/back and then hit his head on the tile floor. Roughly he fell three feet. I tried to grab him in time, but couldn't get to him quick enough. This has never happened to him and I knew that he would probably be okay, but I wanted to take him to the ER to just get checked out.
Poor little guy cried so hard and was saying OOOOOWWWWW all the way there. He wanted to hold my hand so here I was trying to drive with one hand and holding my baby's hand with the other.
I still feel so horrible. I know this will not be his first big head bump, but it still breaks my heart. He now has a nice goose egg on the back of his head. I will probably have him sleep with us tonight just so I can keep an eye on him. I know I wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise.
Oh the joys of being a parent!
Poor little guy cried so hard and was saying OOOOOWWWWW all the way there. He wanted to hold my hand so here I was trying to drive with one hand and holding my baby's hand with the other.
I still feel so horrible. I know this will not be his first big head bump, but it still breaks my heart. He now has a nice goose egg on the back of his head. I will probably have him sleep with us tonight just so I can keep an eye on him. I know I wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise.
Oh the joys of being a parent!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Little Wonders
Being a mother means so much to me. More than I could have ever dreamed. I am so thankful for having the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. I am thankful for those moments I have with Hayden that I cannot even put into words.
Hayden loves books. He will climb up in the chair in his bedroom and just flip through his books. I joined a children's book club so that I can get him books throughout the year that will grow with him. This week Trever has been working so hard that he has been getting home from work pretty late. He makes it home just in time to read Hayden a book and to put him to bed. I was doing laundry and I could hear Trever reading to him from "Oh David" and Hayden was just laughing at everything he was saying. I just stood outside of his bedroom door just listening and smiling at my son just laughing with this deep belly laugh at everything his daddy was saying. Those are the moments that I cherish. Those are the moments that make me so proud to be a wife and a mother.
When Hayden drinks his milk either first thing in the morning or just before bed, he pulls at his hair. The child's hair is so wild because of this. Some of it is straight and the other parts are curly. I am constantly trying to brush it to make it look half way decent. Anyway, he now wants me to sit with him on the couch so that he can run his fingers through my hair as he drinks his milk. He wants me to lay down in his lap so that he can do this. How can I not? Again it is moments like this that make me love him more than I could possibly love anyone.
I have always heard that a mother's love is unconditional and I now know what they mean. I love being in the club of mothers and I love having a little boy to cherish for the rest of his life.
Hayden loves books. He will climb up in the chair in his bedroom and just flip through his books. I joined a children's book club so that I can get him books throughout the year that will grow with him. This week Trever has been working so hard that he has been getting home from work pretty late. He makes it home just in time to read Hayden a book and to put him to bed. I was doing laundry and I could hear Trever reading to him from "Oh David" and Hayden was just laughing at everything he was saying. I just stood outside of his bedroom door just listening and smiling at my son just laughing with this deep belly laugh at everything his daddy was saying. Those are the moments that I cherish. Those are the moments that make me so proud to be a wife and a mother.
When Hayden drinks his milk either first thing in the morning or just before bed, he pulls at his hair. The child's hair is so wild because of this. Some of it is straight and the other parts are curly. I am constantly trying to brush it to make it look half way decent. Anyway, he now wants me to sit with him on the couch so that he can run his fingers through my hair as he drinks his milk. He wants me to lay down in his lap so that he can do this. How can I not? Again it is moments like this that make me love him more than I could possibly love anyone.
I have always heard that a mother's love is unconditional and I now know what they mean. I love being in the club of mothers and I love having a little boy to cherish for the rest of his life.
Hayden's Finest Artwork
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Slap Happy
Hayden gets slap happy before bed every night. Tonight he thought it was so funny to sit on his beach ball and slide off. Also, take a look at how my family room looks at the end of each day. We are trying to work on "clean up" time, but he hasn't really caught on to the idea.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Madame Tussauds
Madame Tussauds - Additional Photos
Hayden LOVED playing golf with Tiger Woods. I guess we will be taking him to putt putt here soon.
Trever and Hayden with Tupac. Hayden was trying to make a sign just like daddy.
Madame Tussauds - Additional Photos
The Bellagio
Trever's conference was held at the Bellagio. It was really beautiful. Our room overlooked the beautiful pools. At night the famous fountains in front of the Bellagio would play to music. When Hayden first saw the fountains he would say, "Wow, Wow." It was really cute.

These are glass flowers on the ceiling in the lobby. They were really beautiful.
In honor of the Chinese New Year, the Bellagio had this beautiful display in the Conservatory. The statue is the god of wealth and fortune.
This is the largest chocolate fountain in the world. Standing 27 feet tall (14 feet from floor level) it circulates more than 2,100 pounds of milk, dark, and white chocolate. When Hayden first saw it he said, "Wow!"
Vegas Baby
Since Trever was in class all day long, we tried to do as much as we could with Hayden at night. One night we went to eat at Tournament of the Kings. It is a dinner and show. Hayden really loved the horses and fireworks. He also enjoyed the gondola ride at The Venetian. He would tell everyone, "Bye Bye" in the other gondolas and those walking by the water. Everyone thought he was too cute.

This is The Paris. It is really beautiful. Their logo is "Everything is sexier in Paris."

Saturday, February 16, 2008
No No No No No
My son is so picky when it comes to eating. I should have guessed because I was a very picky eater growing up. Still am to a point. Tonight we went to The Macaroni Grill for dinner. I thought if I got penne pasta with tomato sauce he would just eat some of my dinner. He loves spaghetti. I guess because it didn't look like spaghetti he wouldn't have anything to do with it. He would shake his head back and forth really fast and say no. It was really kind of funny.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Did I tell you that I hate Ants!!
I am so sick and tired of these ants. Last month we called the realtor to ask the owner if he would be willing to call an exterminator to spray the house. The next day a guy came out and sprayed the inside and outside of the house. A week later my kitchen looked like it had a nice little black border around the ceiling. It was so creepy. He came back out and put food traps all around the kitchen. The next day the ants decided to invade my coat closet. The exterminator returned and put food traps in the coat closet. Well the owner only wanted to do a one time spray. People in California keep telling me that a one time spray will not work. I am beginning to believe this because 1) the exterminator returned three times to put out food and spray the house a second time, 2) yesterday I killed two in my master bathroom upstairs and 3) today I have killed four ants in my microwave. IN MY MICROWAVE! I understand living with a toddler there will be some crumbs, but trust me I am always getting out my swivel sweeper to get up everything. Oh they don't just spray for ants. They also spray for bees, spiders, and other little creepy insects. On the exterminator's third visit to our house he found a "nice black widow's nest" in one of the kitchen cabinets. BLACK WIDOW - a poisonous spider. Okay, now my head is itching just thinking of it.
Thank you for listening to me vent. I now have to go and give my son a bath because he has taken his dinner plate with ketchup on it and rubbed it all over his head. NICE.
Thank you for listening to me vent. I now have to go and give my son a bath because he has taken his dinner plate with ketchup on it and rubbed it all over his head. NICE.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
Today is Valentine's Day. Today we are suppose to express our love to another. My love is Hayden and Trever. The love I have for Hayden when I look at him cannot be described in words. He truly is a gift from God. They are my life and I cannot imagine my life without them.
I fixed my men a heart shaped white cake with pink icing. Hayden loves it. After it was decorated and sitting on the counter I noticed two little finger marks in the icing.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.

I fixed my men a heart shaped white cake with pink icing. Hayden loves it. After it was decorated and sitting on the counter I noticed two little finger marks in the icing.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Got Milk?
This afternoon as I was cleaning the kitchen I could hear Hayden saying, Uh Oh, in the next room. That is never a good thing. As I turned the corner I saw milk all over the floor that I just finished mopping. I had to run and get my camera. It was so cute because he was trying to clean it up.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunny California
Tilden Park
Yesterday we went hiking in Tilden Park with Trever's boss, Gus and his son, Diego. Tilden Park is located in Berkeley, CA. It was so beautiful. Berkeley is a really neat town. I didn't realize that Berkeley was Cal. The campus is huge. Tilden Park has a merry-go-round, animal farm, and steam engine train. The merry-go-round was being remodeled. We will probably go back later this year so that Hayden can ride the merry-go-round. Hayden absolutely loved the steam engine train. He was so excited. As you may tell in the pictures and videos, he has a little scratch on his face. Trever hikes with Hayden on his back. Trever was bending under a branch and didn't see a small branch that was sticking out. It caught Hayden on the side of the face. Poor little guy. Trever felt so horrible. We were just thankful it didn't scratch his eye. For dinner we ate at a great seafood place by the bay, Spenger's Fresh Fish Grotto.
Hope you enjoy the photos and the videos.

Hope you enjoy the photos and the videos.
Friday, February 8, 2008
This Weekend
Today Hayden had his play group friends over to our house. He had little Valentine's Day goody bags for everyone. I think he enjoyed showing his little friends all of his toys.
We were going to leave for Mt. Shasta today, but Trever's boss needs to come back early on Sunday so we have decided to do it another weekend. Works out very nicely because this weekend is suppose to be really beautiful here. I think we may go to Tilden Park to go hiking. I think Hayden will enjoy it because they have a merry-go-round, steam train and little animal farm. It is located north of here in Berkeley. I will probably have plenty of pictures to show everyone.
Talk to you soon and have a great weekend.
We were going to leave for Mt. Shasta today, but Trever's boss needs to come back early on Sunday so we have decided to do it another weekend. Works out very nicely because this weekend is suppose to be really beautiful here. I think we may go to Tilden Park to go hiking. I think Hayden will enjoy it because they have a merry-go-round, steam train and little animal farm. It is located north of here in Berkeley. I will probably have plenty of pictures to show everyone.
Talk to you soon and have a great weekend.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Living out here in California we do not get to see all of the University of Kentucky basketball games. Tonight we play Auburn.
Update on Trever
This morning we went to see his regular physician to go over his blood work. His cholesterol is high and some of his liver readings were a little high. The doctor wasn't too concerned. She has noticed that he has lost 13 lbs in the past 6 weeks and suggested that he continue to diet and exercise to lower his cholesterol. Our next appointment was with the gastric physician with regards to his emptying study test. We are still waiting on two more tests from his gastric study, but the physician didn't see anything to be too concerned about. She wants him to continue taking his three medications for his heart burn and acid problems. She believes that his stomach is not emptying as quickly as it should because one of his medications relaxes his esophagus, stomach, and small intestines. She did suggest that we both see a nutritionist to discuss a plan to lower our cholesterol and a plan for his acid reflux. I had a complete blood test as well and I have boderline high cholesterol. Makes me laugh because we do not eat bad. Yes we will have sweets every now and then, but not enough to cause concern. I think the root of most of Trever's issues is stress. His job is very demanding and he takes on a lot of stress because of it. If he can somehow balance the two then I think his problems will begin to fix themselves. I will keep you posted on his update. They want him to come back in two months to have these tests performed again. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Yesterday was a good day even with the rain. Jason Ballard will be working at the NUMMI plant with Trever for the next couple of days so he flew in yesterday. It was so nice to see a familiar face. He made it in time to watch the Super Bowl with us. I think Hayden was more excited because he was tired of looking at Mom and Dad.
Yesterday while I was at the grocery store Trever was keeping an eye on Hayden. Well like all little boys, he was running and fell head first on his new picnic table. He had a huge bump on his forehead and a little bloody nose. It quit bleeding and he seemed just fine. This morning when I got him out of bed his sheets looked like a crime scene. I think he rubbed his nose all over his bed sheet and smeared blood everywhere. I first checked his mouth because my friend's little boy busted out one of his baby teeth and there was blood everywhere so I thought maybe he had done that. Poor little guy had dried blood all over his nose. I was going to call the doctor to see if I needed to bring him in, but (1) I could never get a hold of them and (2) he seems just fine. I am going to just keep an eye on him.
He is so into coloring right now. He is sitting at his picnic table coloring Mommy a picture. It is suppose to be pretty all week so I think I will take him out so that we can use his chalk on the driveway.

Yesterday while I was at the grocery store Trever was keeping an eye on Hayden. Well like all little boys, he was running and fell head first on his new picnic table. He had a huge bump on his forehead and a little bloody nose. It quit bleeding and he seemed just fine. This morning when I got him out of bed his sheets looked like a crime scene. I think he rubbed his nose all over his bed sheet and smeared blood everywhere. I first checked his mouth because my friend's little boy busted out one of his baby teeth and there was blood everywhere so I thought maybe he had done that. Poor little guy had dried blood all over his nose. I was going to call the doctor to see if I needed to bring him in, but (1) I could never get a hold of them and (2) he seems just fine. I am going to just keep an eye on him.
He is so into coloring right now. He is sitting at his picnic table coloring Mommy a picture. It is suppose to be pretty all week so I think I will take him out so that we can use his chalk on the driveway.
We are all looking forward to this weekend. We will be leaving for Mt. Shasta late in the afternoon. What a nice birthday present for Trever. Hayden and I are also going to get him a massage because he has been working so hard and worrying about his heart burn problems that he needs an hour long massage to release all of that stress.
This Friday morning I am hosting Hayden's play group at our house for a Valentine's Day Party. I put together some cute goody bags for the kids and Hayden picked out his Valentine's Day cards. He chose The Backyardigans. He loves the Backyardigans.
Well I am off to fix lunch and to clean the pool. Talk to everyone later on.
This Friday morning I am hosting Hayden's play group at our house for a Valentine's Day Party. I put together some cute goody bags for the kids and Hayden picked out his Valentine's Day cards. He chose The Backyardigans. He loves the Backyardigans.
Well I am off to fix lunch and to clean the pool. Talk to everyone later on.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Photos of Hayden
Living in Pleasanton, CA
I have never written a blog. I wanted to share with everyone photos and the interesting things that happen to us while living in California. This will also help me with my scrapbook of our year in California. I hope you enjoy it.
Pleasanton, California is a really beautiful city. I enjoy living next to the foothills and downtown. Sometimes when I am driving I get this feeling that I am home and just doing my normal everyday routine. Then I smile and realize that I am actually thousands of miles away from Kentucky. I do miss my family and friends. I miss seeing my nephew, Jack, and my niece, Reagan. Hayden loves them. My sister is my best friend. I remember the night before we moved out here. We ate dinner at their house and when leaving I couldn't even look at her. I was trying so hard not to cry. Leaving the airport and saying goodbye to my mom and dad was just as hard. I remember sitting on the runway and thinking, I am not going on a trip. I am actually moving. It was a very emotional day. I get teary eyed just thinking about it now. I have never lived outside of Lexington, KY so it was quite hard on me in the beginning. I have a very close and wonderful relationship with my family. It is getting easier with time. Although I miss everyone back in Kentucky I am so thankful for this opportunity. We have gotten to see so much while living out here. We go hiking a lot. The mountains are simply beautiful. We want to experience so much and we are loving that we can do that as a family. Hayden is getting exposed to so many wonderful adventures.
Sunday is the Super Bowl. I am not sure who I want to win. The Patriots have not lost a single game all season, but our homeboy, Jared Lorenzen, plays for the Giants. Hayden's little football jersey has Jared's UK number on it. We are looking forward to having Jason Ballard over on Sunday. He is flying in tomorrow to work at the NUMMI plant for the next couple of days. It would have been great if Vanessa was able to come out with him. Maybe next time.
Next weekend, February 8th, we are going up to Mt. Shasta to go skiing. I can't wait. It is also Trever's birthday on the 8th. We haven't seen snow, well up close, since we lived in Kentucky. Driving down the road you can see the white caps on the mountains. We are staying in Trever's boss' cabin with his family. I hope they don't mind a 19 month old running around. Hayden loves their son, Diego. He is 9 years old. I can't wait to see Hayden in his snow bibs, boots, jacket and hat. I hope he has a good time.
Later this month, February 17th, we are going to Las Vegas for five days. Trever is attending a conference. We are staying at the Bellagio. I guess the Bellagio won the lucky ticket of having a 19 month old running around. Trever will have to watch Hayden one night while I go and play the slots. Trust me, it won't take long. I am never that lucky.
Well it is 8:20 p.m. here so I need to go so that I can get my little man in bed. Talk to everyone later.
Pleasanton, California is a really beautiful city. I enjoy living next to the foothills and downtown. Sometimes when I am driving I get this feeling that I am home and just doing my normal everyday routine. Then I smile and realize that I am actually thousands of miles away from Kentucky. I do miss my family and friends. I miss seeing my nephew, Jack, and my niece, Reagan. Hayden loves them. My sister is my best friend. I remember the night before we moved out here. We ate dinner at their house and when leaving I couldn't even look at her. I was trying so hard not to cry. Leaving the airport and saying goodbye to my mom and dad was just as hard. I remember sitting on the runway and thinking, I am not going on a trip. I am actually moving. It was a very emotional day. I get teary eyed just thinking about it now. I have never lived outside of Lexington, KY so it was quite hard on me in the beginning. I have a very close and wonderful relationship with my family. It is getting easier with time. Although I miss everyone back in Kentucky I am so thankful for this opportunity. We have gotten to see so much while living out here. We go hiking a lot. The mountains are simply beautiful. We want to experience so much and we are loving that we can do that as a family. Hayden is getting exposed to so many wonderful adventures.
Sunday is the Super Bowl. I am not sure who I want to win. The Patriots have not lost a single game all season, but our homeboy, Jared Lorenzen, plays for the Giants. Hayden's little football jersey has Jared's UK number on it. We are looking forward to having Jason Ballard over on Sunday. He is flying in tomorrow to work at the NUMMI plant for the next couple of days. It would have been great if Vanessa was able to come out with him. Maybe next time.
Next weekend, February 8th, we are going up to Mt. Shasta to go skiing. I can't wait. It is also Trever's birthday on the 8th. We haven't seen snow, well up close, since we lived in Kentucky. Driving down the road you can see the white caps on the mountains. We are staying in Trever's boss' cabin with his family. I hope they don't mind a 19 month old running around. Hayden loves their son, Diego. He is 9 years old. I can't wait to see Hayden in his snow bibs, boots, jacket and hat. I hope he has a good time.
Later this month, February 17th, we are going to Las Vegas for five days. Trever is attending a conference. We are staying at the Bellagio. I guess the Bellagio won the lucky ticket of having a 19 month old running around. Trever will have to watch Hayden one night while I go and play the slots. Trust me, it won't take long. I am never that lucky.
Well it is 8:20 p.m. here so I need to go so that I can get my little man in bed. Talk to everyone later.
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